As we rocket, (or plummet!), into the 21st Century, it’s clear to us that more and more younger people are finding their information on You Tube rather than in conventional books.
At Wingleader, we’ve always kept up with advances in publishing, so it seemed logical to embrace this new medium and publish our knowledge and archive material in this new format.
Below you will find our current selection of short films, please like and subscribe if you enjoy them!
Shot down in the Battle of Britain, John Cock saw parts of his Hurricane recovered in 1983.
Cobber Kain's first kill. A Dornier 17P shot down in France.
A Royal Navy Corsair pilot is lost during a dogfighting exercise. Seventy years later, his watch is recovered and returned to his family.
An American Eagle Squadron pilot abandons his Spitfire over Northern Ireland. Seventy years later it is excavated for the BBC 'Dig WW2' series with Dan Snow.
A specially modified He111 is shot down during a night raid on Avonmouth docks. 70 years later it's remains are recovered for a BBC documentary.
The only P-61 Black Widow night fighter to crash in the UK, excavated from an enormous hole in Cheshire.
Shot down and abandoned over Essex at the height of the Battle of Britain, 'Paddy' Hemmingway, the last surviving member of 'The Few', watched fragments of his Hurricane emerge from...
The incredible story of a B-24, shot up and abandoned after bombing the Ardennes, which found it's way back to rural Herefordshire.
The longest surviving member of the Dambusters, Johnny Johnson, witnesses the remains of his Lancaster being recovered for the Channel 4 documentary 'Last of the Dambusters'.
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